Juliette looks at the young man

The first in a series of ‘black films’ whereby the only image in the film is a graphic text of the opening and end title. Freed from the fixity of the image the voice over, read by artist Mike Silver, is a ‘text’ created from the film, ‘Two or Things About Her’ by Jean Luc Goddard. The ‘text’ comprises of all the textual directions for actors, camera, mise en scene within the original script, the dialogue being removed. The ‘blackness’ guides the viewer to an alternative reading of Goddard’s film.

The film was a commission as part of an artist in residency within the education department at the Serpentine Gallery, London in 2001 and was initially exhibited as part of ‘ExilsExiles’, an International Colloquiem, Herstmonceux, UK.

Script, Direction, Editing – Gilly Booth, Voice Over artist – Mike Silver, Graphics – Paul Plowman